Technology is something we use every day in society. With the amount of new technology coming out every year, such as new cell phones and computers, the more we lose our humanity in our desire to want these things. Technology is slowly taking over humanity, and the results could be dangerous if computers can think for themselves.

Technology is something we use every day in society. With the amount of new technology coming out every year, such as new cell phones and computers, the more we lose our humanity in our desire to want these things. Technology is slowly taking over humanity, and the results could be dangerous if computers can think for themselves.

Lighting: To light these photos I used a rim light and a main light with a softbox. For the first photo I set up a table to place my computer and the subjects head. The main light was in front of him shining down while the rim light was in the back. The setup was the same for the second photo, just without the table.